WhatsApp tricks to use with the keyboard on the desktop

WhatsApp tricks to use with the keyboard on the desktop

The WhatsApp It has become an essential communication tool that today is a part of the daily life of millions of people. While most of them use the service through their mobile device, others also benefit from Desktop version. However, in the latter, it is always necessary to know some keyboard shortcuts to make our conversations more efficient. That’s why today we’re going to introduce you to some WhatsApp tricks to use with a PC keyboard.

Whose Text of heep We have already informed you of multiple WhatsApp tricks for the smartphone version. For example, Recently We explain how Send temporary messages. Today, however, we’ll focus entirely on the desktop variant. Be careful, we will provide keyboard shortcuts for you according to the operating system and the type of application you are using. So, in the menus at the bottom, you can find the shorcuts For macOS and Windows, plus the “native” app and browser.

Take that into account The “+” symbol is only an indication of the keys that you have to press simultaneously. Don’t enter it when you want to use a shortcut. Without further ado, we leave you the WhatsApp tricks that you need to know on your desktop.

MacOS application

  • Mark as unread: Cmd + Ctrl + U
  • Archivar’s Chat: Cmd + E
  • Pinnear: Cmd + Shift + P
  • Search in chat: Cmd + Shift + F
  • New Group: Cmd + Shift + N
  • Settings: Cmd + ,
  • Mute chat: Cmd + Shift + M
  • Delete chat: Cmd + Shift + D
  • Search the chat list: Cmd + F
  • New conversation: Cmd + N
  • Open Profile: Cmd + P
  • Type on a new line: Shift + Enter

MacOS browser

  • Mark as unread: Cmd + Ctrl + Shift + U
  • Archivar’s Chat: Cmd + Ctrl + E
  • Pinnear: Cmd + Ctrl + Shift + P
  • Search in chat: Cmd + Ctrl + Shift + F
  • New conversation: Cmd + Ctrl + N
  • Settings: Cmd + Ctrl + ,
  • Mute chat: Cmd + Ctrl + Shift + M
  • Delete chat: Cmd + Ctrl + Retroceso
  • Search the chat list: Cmd + Ctrl + /
  • New Group: Cmd + Ctrl + Shift + N
  • Open Profile: Cmd + Ctrl + P
  • Type on a new line: Shift + Enter

De Windows 10 app

  • Mark as unread: Ctrl + Shift + U
  • Archivar’s Chat: Ctrl + E
  • Pinnear: Ctrl + Shift + P
  • Search in chat: Ctrl + Shift + F
  • New Group: Ctrl + Shift + N
  • Settings: Ctrl + ,
  • Mute chat: Ctrl + Shift + M
  • Delete chat: Ctrl + Shift + D
  • Search the chat list: Ctrl + F
  • New conversation: Ctrl + N
  • Open Profile: Ctrl + P
  • write in Line the new: Shift + Enter

Windows Browser

  • Mark as unread: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U
  • Archivar’s Chat: Ctrl + Alt + E
  • Pinnear: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P
  • Search in chat: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F
  • New conversation: Ctrl + Alt + N
  • Settings: Ctrl + Alt + ,
  • Mute chat: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + M
  • Delete chat: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Retroceso
  • Search the chat list: Ctrl + Alt + /
  • New Group: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N
  • Open Profile: Ctrl + Alt + P
  • write in Line the new: Shift + Enter

Other WhatsApp tricks to take control of the application

WhatsApp, mainly in recent years, chose a file A flurry of new features That came to improve the experience of using the service. If you are determined to master it to the fullest then do not forget that we have already told you about other WhatsApp tricks Hide “writes”, Has better control over Privacy options, Write Temporary messages Or give Format your text To make it more attractive and readable.

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