Why did Christian Pulisic, the executioner of the tricolor, hate his nickname

Why did Christian Pulisic, the executioner of the tricolor, hate his nickname
Christian Pulisic played a key role in the Mexico match (Photo: Trevor Roskowski/Reuters)

Christian Pulisic He has been remembered by his compatriots for being one of the national talents they glimpse abroad and ranks as one of the most prominent footballers on the European continent.

However, in recent months, he has also become someone who is impossible to forget for Mexican fans, as a midfielder. English Premier League Chelsea Become the hangman for the team led Gerardo Martino. First, he was the one who judged my final The League of Nations For him last summer, and recently, he was responsible for opening the registration for the benefit United State against Mexico in the qualifiers heading to World Cup Qatar 2022.

With outstanding performance, the football player got the famous title of the new captain America. This way it was the nickname you originally occupied Landon Donovan.

However, Pulisic drew attention by saying that he does not like to be called in this way, as he does not feel satisfied with the title despite being the leading man in the United States national team’s attack. Although this title has already accompanied him for several years of his career, Christian is not comfortable with him.

Pulisic has become a major player in the US (Photo: Christopher Hanwinkel/Reuters)
Pulisic has become a major player in the US (Photo: Christopher Hanwinkel/Reuters)

“I’m not a fan of this, to be honest, especially from my teammates,” the player said in an interview with GQ when asked about this.

Throughout the qualifying period for world Cup Held in Russia during 2018, the Stars and Stripes team could not get to the summer competition ticket. According to various reports from that year, several players saw Pulisic crying over the result they had achieved on the last day of qualifying. CONCACAF In which they left the possibility of boarding the plane heading to the land of the Caesars.

He was one of the toughest critics of that team’s players who didn’t get their tickets to the fair Alexis LalasEx-football player and captain of the United States national teams in the 1990s. “They’re a bunch of tattooed, smooth, underperforming millionaires. That includes you, too, Wonder Boy (Policic),” Lalas said.

This work upset the “10” of the United States today and in the same interview for GC Talk about this statement from Alexis.

Celebration in response to Guillermo Ochoa (Image: Twitter / @FerCevallosF)
Celebration in response to Guillermo Ochoa (Image: Twitter / @FerCevallosF)

The worst thing you could hear is, ‘They don’t care. They didn’t try hard enough. Concacaf’s second most expensive player said: “Because I felt I gave everything I had and it wasn’t enough… I was under pressure because I wanted to be that player everyone wanted.”

Before the duel in front of Mexican national team last friday, Guillermo Ochoa He stressed that the US national team squad has become just a simple reflection of the Mexican team. During the same commitment, Pulisic himself celebrated with a powerful message “The Man in the Mirror” by answering.

“I think you know the message. There’s no need to talk much about it, it’s nothing too big. I’m not trying to stir up controversy, it was just an idea that popped into my head and that I actually wrote on the mirror. Just kidding, someone did it for me”, announce player Chelsea after the meeting.

Read on:

Marcelo Flores revealed his dream of absolute access to the Mexican national team
Why did fans pay tribute to Juan Carlos Osorio after the tricolor disaster
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