11 new items added to Animal Crossing: New Horizons with its latest update: when and how to get them – Nintenderos

11 new items added to Animal Crossing: New Horizons with its latest update: when and how to get them – Nintenderos

We get an interesting post related to one of the most notable Switch titles. In this case we are talking about Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

In the post that we leave for you below, we can find out more news that is included in the released update this week. We already share that with you Now it’s possible Fragments of the thyroid gland appear on the coast of our island. Before it was exclusive to Captain Islands.

Well, apart from this, data experts found more hidden news in patch 2.0.4. They are as follows:

  • Have been found 11 new items Corresponding to the horoscope numbers for all future New Year’s events, joining the figurine and tiger of the zodiac added in 2021 and 2022.
  • These things can be found among TeleNook special items from December 22nd to January 5th every year, with the corresponding element according to the next year’s zodiac animal for 1,600 grains each. For example, the tiger number 2022 will be available in late 2021 and early 2022.
  • The full list is:

zodiac mouse shape

2020, 2032

zodiac bull shape

2021, 2033

zodiac tiger statue

2022, 2034

zodiac rabbit figurine

2023, 2035

zodiac dragon character

2024, 2036

zodiac snake shape

2025, 2037

zodiac horse statue

2026, 2038

zodiac sheep statue

2027, 2039

zodiac monkey shape

2028, 2040

rooster zodiac statue

2029, 2041

zodiac dog statue

2030, 2042

zodiac pig statue

2031, 2043

zodiac pig statue

2031, 2043
  • You can also have all these numbers Katrina. If you talk to her on Key Faun and she tells you you’ve had bad luck, you can purchase a purifying effect for her for 10,000 pills and receive one of her items in the mail the next day. Now all these horoscope numbers have been added to List of potential rewards that Katrina can send us. You can send it to us no matter what time of year and year we are in.
  • It is not known if more items will be added to TeleNook in the future.

In the following video, Cobayasgamer shows us this news:

What is your opinion? We read to you in the comments. You also have our full coverage of Animal Crossing: New Horizons here.


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