Advance a joint attack against the rebels in Somalia – Prensa Latina

Advance a joint attack against the rebels in Somalia – Prensa Latina

These combined forces surrounded enemy positions at Al-Mashani and Donka Davido, near the military base in Baladamine, where several anti-government officials were killed.

“These delicate offensive operations that we are carrying out in conjunction with the Somali security forces in our area of ​​responsibility, form part of a series of continuous combat operations aimed at further deteriorating al-Shabaab capabilities,” said William Nabasa, commander of the Ugandan forces.

AMISOM is a multinational unit made up of forces from Kenya, Uganda, Burundi and Ethiopia, among other countries on the continent, and its goal is to strengthen the defense of this Horn of Africa nation, as well as train and reinforce its forces. Security forces.

Nabasa added in a statement that Al-Shabaab was using places in Al-Mashani and Donka Davido as hideouts to attack the African Union mission bases and terrorize civilians in Lower Shabelle from those places.

The officer also noted that coalition forces also surrounded the anti-government group sites in Ademol, during another operation in southern Somalia.

Nabsa stated that AMISOM forces had succeeded in identifying, detonating and recovering a series of IEDs, which were placed by the rebels on highways and main supply routes, which targeted military targets and civilian vehicles.


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