“Biffy” Romero will debut in the United States – El Sol de Toluca

“Biffy” Romero will debut in the United States – El Sol de Toluca

Boxer Juan Pablo Romero will top the boxing card in the United States for the first time, Next April 22 When he retreats to the ring to confront Jonathan of California, “Thunder” Navarro.

This fight will take place in the superlight division of New York City and will be the debut of the original Villa del Carbón team on US soil. Since the transition to professionalism.

The Hayes Gymnasium of the United States Military Academy will be the place where the two boxers will strive to show off their skills in the belief that the door can be opened as soon as possible. Fight championship.

“The main thing we have, which is the desire, and behavior to wake up every day to search for our goals and dreams. I think we need the right boxers to shoot us, to make great shows and we’re ready.”In preview of this battle, Puvi said.

For the person from the state of Mexico, this job will keep him active to continue growing in his career, ”We can’t wait any longer, we have to take risks, take on the right competitors, and above all, prepare well and prepare for the first blow and give everything to reach the World Championship. ”Abounded.

Romero Marin represented our country at the Olympic Games Rio 2016. Add 13 professional fights Unbeknown to defeat, with 9 wins across chloroform and a positive series of 7 consecutive knockouts in the last 8 matches.

For his part, Los Angeles-born “Thunder” Navarro won 17 wins, 9 of them before the maximum, turning the right-hand goalkeeper to perfection and adding wins in previous international duels; 6 against the Mexicans and Nicaragua.

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