It’s 2021 and you can’t watch Netflix on Nintendo devices

It’s 2021 and you can’t watch Netflix on Nintendo devices

Illustration for an article titled It's 2021 and There's No Way to Watch Netflix on a Nintendo Console

picture: Nintendo / Netflix / Kotaku / Romulo Taffani (Shutterstock)

Nintendo has Removal Netflix app for two of its consoles: Wii U and 3DS. And while it’s true that these two consoles are older, the truth is that Netflix isn’t available for the Switch, which means there’s no way to watch Netflix on a Nintendo console.

Yes, we are in the middle of 2021, a time when streaming services are our daily bread and on smart TVs, smartphones, tablets, video game consoles and even some refrigerators, for some reason Netflix, the world’s most popular streaming platform, can’t be watched on any platform. Nintendo console.

The company removed and accessed these apps on the Wii U and 3DS on June 30, and at the moment there are no concrete plans for when to hit the Switch, even with countless users requesting. Because although Netflix can be watched on a myriad of devices, as I mentioned a few lines, the arrival of Netflix on the Switch, which unites the largest number of entertainment options on the console, will be beneficial for users. At the moment, we don’t know if Netflix will be available on Switch; Hopefully, Nintendo will probably wait for the call.”Switch Proand 4K resolution.[via[vía[عبر[víaKotaku]

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