Pinzas explains that preparations for the Covirán Granada season have gone “extremely well” on a financial level

Pinzas explains that preparations for the Covirán Granada season have gone “extremely well” on a financial level

Sergio Sanchez “Penzas” scored the first point in the history of CB Granada Foundation Thanks to a free kick scored in Almería. After ten years he returned to the red and black club, but to work within the technical staff as a physical coach.

In an interview sent to the media by the club, he explains how pre-season And how the team arrives at the start of the official competition this week.

In addition, it analyzes Joan Bardina’s recovery process from his injury and the level he has reached James Elisor After doing the work that was sent to him for the past four weeks in the United States.

“It went well. We achieved all the goals we had. The most important was to avoid injuries and the second to prepare the team for the start of the official competition”, he generally referred to the pre-season. Coveran Granada.

tweezers He added, “We prepared the team to arrive in conditions to compete 100% on Valladolid day, but no one is 100% real in the first league match.”

“The main objective is for the players to be at their best physical level during every match. Separators that will come in handy To recharge the batteries and continue with setup.”

The physical trainer highlighted Germaine’s “working ability”, which he described as “brutal”, although he made it clear that “in general” All players work “to a very high standard”..

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about injury BardinaPenzas noted, “It’s progressing fairly well and we’re very satisfied. We’re following the directions of the traumatologist based on the tests we’re running.”

“We have done a lot of work Swimming pool For the first month, but we also did a lot of movement in the knee. “Now we do more circuit training because he reacts satisfactorily,” he added.

Regarding Elisour, he explained, “He has completed the training courses we have been proposing to him for the past four weeks, so Your physical adaptation to the team will be shorter Than it would have been after you arrived so late.”

PersonallyPinzas found “a very developed club on a professional level both in the office and in all things first-team matters.”

“It’s also important that he continues to have that good human level he had ten years ago when I was here as a player. I’m very happy”, finished the physical coach of Covirán Granada.

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