Red Solidaria celebrates the homeland as a day to search for people around the world

Red Solidaria celebrates the homeland as a day to search for people around the world

Applying its concept of ‘make a nation’, Red Solidaria has organized two activities to celebrate the 25th of May because it knows best about it: help.

In the first place it will be a day dedicated to searching for people. On Wednesday, the network will promote an International Day of Missing Children in which networks in more than 37 countries, Argentines living there, will share a photo of a boy, girl or teen missing in that place.

“We want to continue to spread and multiply the search for missing children in the world; and to embrace, as a society, the families who still hope to find them. Because we believe that they can be anywhere in the world,” said Martin Giuvio, director of the network created by Juan Carr. .

In the NGO, they say, the initiative will be joined by embassies, consulates, representatives and volunteers from: Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador, Mozambique, Uganda, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Estonia, Thailand, Vietnam, Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, France and the United States. United States, Chile, Peru, Angola, Guatemala, Denmark, Cuba, Haiti, Germany, Israel, China, Australia, among other countries. But anyone can participate by sharing the network’s posts and volunteers.

The event will seek to collaborate in the search for 6,150 missing girls and boys around the world. According to network data, in Argentina there are only 110 families looking for their sons and daughters. Their names will be multiplied by a flyer featuring some of the most emblematic cases. From Argentina, there is Sofia Herrera, Bruno Gentilete and Maria Cash, who have repeatedly posted their stories in photos and banners on social networks and at art and sports events.

But, far from networking, the action will be face-to-face: a massive lunch for the homeless in the Plaza de Mayo, the place where the revolution was conceived and people demanded to know “what it’s about”.

We are planning this jointly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which consists of officials from consulates and embassies of other countries in Argentina, who will participate in a meeting with the people most in need as well as with volunteers from different organizations. The network manager explained that this procedure will be repeated with variants in other countries.

“It will be a national and historical one, in which Argentine men and women around the world participate in an act of solidarity. In some embassies and consulates abroad they will participate in the celebration of May 25, as well as in the community kitchen, in a picnic area or with people on the street,” he boasts.

This NGO’s work seeks to globalize the culture of solidarity, a hallmark of Argentina. “Commitment to others, tenderness, solidarity, repeated in the world, on the same day,” Giovio describes and explains that the initiative is part of the #FrioCero campaign that Red Solidaria has been implementing for 10 years in the fall and winter. , sharing the nights in the Plaza de Mayo, Monday through Sunday, with people in the streets, eager to have a dinner, a coat or just a word of love.

Who are the Argentines featured in International Traveler?
The three people featured in the brochure that Solidarity Network will distribute on May 25 worldwide are:

Maria Cash: The Buenos Aires-born clothing designer disappeared in July 2011, when she was 29 years old. She took a bus at Buenos Aires Retiro station, bound for San Salvador de Jujuy, and was last seen in Salta on July 8. That day, then-highway franchise security cameras captured Maria Cash at the toll plaza.

Bruno Gentiletti: He was last seen on March 2, 1997 at the La Florida Spa in Rosario, while he was with his family. I was 8 years old.

Sofia Herrera: She was four years old when she disappeared into the John Goodall camp, 59 kilometers from the Rio Grande, where she went with her family on September 28, 2008.

Source: Telam

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