South Sudan: – Uganda rejects accusations by South Sudan of killing two soldiers on the common border

South Sudan: – Uganda rejects accusations by South Sudan of killing two soldiers on the common border

Madrid, 30 (Europe Press)

On Friday, the Ugandan army rejected accusations from South Sudan of killing two soldiers in a disputed area and confirmed that the incident occurred after the South Sudanese army opened fire on the patrol that traveled to the area.

South Sudan army spokesman Lol Roy said on Thursday that the accident took place on Tuesday in Magwi County in Eastern Equatoria State, and mentioned in detail the killing of the army during the investigation into the “incursion” of Ugandan forces into the village of Bougie.

However, Dio Akiki, a spokesperson for the Ugandan army, said that the event took place at the Nujumuromo border point, and added that Ugandan soldiers approached the area after complaints from the civilian population about the armed uprising of the checkpoint.

“A commander went to the scene accompanied by a group of soldiers to verify the authenticity of the information,” he said in statements carried by the Ugandan newspaper “New Vision.” Unfortunately, the people who controlled the checkpoint met him with heavy fire. “

In this regard, he stressed that the Ugandan army “will continue to defend security within the borders to allow for trade and peaceful coexistence.” “There are still armed elements in some of our neighbors’ borders. We continue to share intelligence to work together on this,” he added.

For his part, Awit Nathaniel Perino, a South Sudanese politician from Magwi, asked the central government to study the situation and said that “the borders of southern Sudan are very clear. Sudan should not be a dispute over borders. “

In June, four South Sudanese soldiers and a policeman were killed in another incident on the border with Uganda, in this case against the village of Boya, in Kajo-Keji County, in Central Equatoria State. Kampala claimed that the patrol crossed the border and attacked residents in Maru village.

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