The Nintendo boss explains why they buy Next Level games – Nintenderos

The Nintendo boss explains why they buy Next Level games – Nintenderos

You will definitely remember that last January This has been confirmed Buy Nintendo Next level games, Luigi’s Mansion developer, and More projects For Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch devices. Well, the president of Nintendo, Shuntaro FurukawaNow, the move has been judged by the company.

The information comes from a recent meeting with Nikkei Average JapaneseHe explained why they decided to purchase the Canadian development studio. We leave you with his words:

We have positively decided that buying next level games can improve development efficiency if we make it an affiliate company. The primary policy is that the developers are responsible for the brands and manufacture of Nintendo products and do not disappoint fan expectations.

The number of developers in the group through mergers and acquisitions does not enhance long-term value. I am not saying that investing alone is meaningless, but in terms of having a development partner, turning it into a subsidiary is the best option. It is a way to expand a brand. There is no point in buying a company if people have to give up on something.

As you can see, the goal appears to be to improve the development efficiency of the titles they jointly make as well as to expand the brand. Remember, a few months ago we also learned this at Next Level Games They were already looking for him Employees to Future projects, So we have to be attentive to see what they offer us.


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