These 25 Xiaomi Phones Will Be Updated To MIUI 12.5 Enhanced Edition Very Soon

These 25 Xiaomi Phones Will Be Updated To MIUI 12.5 Enhanced Edition Very Soon

Xiaomi is preparing the third installment plan for MIUI 12.5 Enhanced Edition, which will soon be available for 25 more smartphones from both Xiaomi and Redmi.

Li Jun, CEO of Xiaomi Technology Co., said: Its new firmware MIUI 13 interface It should be ready Before the end of this year 2021 To accompany the new show Xiaomi 12, and even we already know The first Xiaomi phones to receive the new firmware package Chinese giant, already with Android 12 is the protagonist stationed.

Be that way, the Latest known stable version of MIUI is this now 12.5 Enhanced Version who – which Its amazing distribution continues By (almost) all of Xiaomi’s prolific catalog, also including the devices of the Redmi and POCO sub-brands, which in fact They focus 75% of sales Del Gigante de Haidian.

MIUI 12.5 Enhanced is the enhanced version of MIUI that continues to be rolled out throughout the Xiaomi catalog.

This time it seems we have good news for a lot of you, because here is the one who will be The third batch of devices that will receive MIUI 12.5 Enhanced Edition In the coming days and weeks, it consists of an extensive list of 25 models of Xiaomi and Redmi who – which It was announced in China in the past hours.

With MIUI 13 close to you, surely there are not many chances to receive MIUI 12.5 Enhanced Edition … Are you among the lucky ones?

These are the Xiaomi phones that will receive the enhanced version of MIUI 12.5

Unfortunately not a file road map Official and dates have not been revealed, although yes, it appears to be information 100% reliable as confirmed by an executive from Xiaomi itself To the local media, to reveal this list of smartphones and tablets with a Christmas present in the shape of Update:

  • Xiaomi Civi
  • Xiaomi 5 . pad
  • Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro
  • Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro 5G
  • Mi 11 Youth Edition
  • Wednesday 9
  • Mi 9 Pro
  • We are 9 SE
  • Mi CC9
  • Mi CC9 Pro
  • Mi CC9 Meitu Custom Edition
  • Redmi 9
  • Redmi 10X 4G phone
  • Redmi 10X 5G phone
  • Redmi 10X Pro 5G phone
  • Redmi Note 11 5G phone
  • Redmi Note 11 Pro
  • Redmi Note 8 Pro
  • Gaming Edition Redmi K40
  • Redmi K30 Ultra
  • Redmi K30 5G phone
  • Redmi K30i 5G phone
  • Redmi K30
  • Redmi K20 Pro
  • Redmi K20

According to information sources, it is still Update package distribution has not started For these devices not even in China, although it seizes the opportunity to confirm that it will start soon and You should reach all of these stations as of 2021, some in November and some during the next month in December.

As you would expect, this Update It will be shown for the first time among users in China, spreads a little later to global markets, which may have to wait for the first weeks of 2022.

There will not be many stations listed In MIUI 12.5 Enhanced Edition updates that already have an expiration date, so if Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO are not on the already published lists of the three groups, Perhaps there is not much hopeWe’ll have to wait for confirmations!

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Related topics: MIUIAnd mobile phonesAnd Chinese mobile phonesAnd xiaomi

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