These mobile phones will be without the application during September 2022

These mobile phones will be without the application during September 2022
These mobile phones will be without the application during September 2022
Find out which cell phones no longer have WhatsApp. Photo: Pexels

The WhatsApp It is an instant messaging app that is always updated, but every time this happens, there are mobile phones that are no longer compatible with the popular platform; For this reason, we tell you which models, both with Android and iOS, will be left without the application all this month of September.

Android cell phones that will be left without WhatsApp

The constant updates that WhatsApp implements make many models obsolete, because their operating system is no longer compatible with the application, and these are the models with Android 4.0.1 or lower that will stop working on them:

  • Samsung Galaxy
  • Trend Lite
  • train 2
  • S3Mini
  • Xcover 2
  • essence
  • ace 2
  • LG Enact
  • Optimus L4
  • Lucid 2
  • Optimus f7
  • Optimus L3II Dual
  • Optimus f5
  • Optimus L5II
  • Huawei Ascend Mate
  • Asc G740
  • Huawei Ascend D2

Apple iSO models that will be left without WhatsApp

For their part, those smartphones manzana where it no longer works The WhatsApp They are the ones who have the system. iOS 12 or less.

The deadline for WhatsApp to stop working on the above models will be September 30th.

These are the latest WhatsApp updates

Just last month, WhatsApp released new updates and these are according to the platform Show More levels of protection and giving more control over messages, as part of its work to protect the conversations of its users.

Leave the groups quietly

Users will be able to leave the group privately And without announcing it. Therefore, not all participants will now be notified that the group has left, but only those in charge will be notified.

Who can view the status online

The WhatsApp Possibility included Decide who can and can’t see when a person is online.

Block screenshots of messages

to increase Message protectionThe app is owned by Meta will enable block screenshot option for single view messages. According to the company, this functionality is in a testing period and hopes to be available to users soon.

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