These were the New Year messages sent by Vladimir Putin to various world leaders

These were the New Year messages sent by Vladimir Putin to various world leaders

Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed confidence that his country and Turkey “will develop fruitful cooperation and close partnership in international affairs,” according to a letter issued on Thursday, December 30.

In a message sent to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the occasion of the new year, Putin stressed that the two countries “have done a lot recently to develop bilateral relations” despite the outbreak of the epidemic.

Putin cited the reasons for the development of relations mainly in the technical, commercial, economic, energy and military fields. The Russian President said there are good prospects for Russian-Turkish cooperation in the peaceful exploration of space and the production of vaccines against COVID-19.

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In his message to US President Joe Biden, Putin stressed that Moscow and Washington “can and must interact constructively, uniting efforts to respond to the many challenges and threats facing humanity.”

“I am confident that we can move forward and establish an effective Russian-American dialogue on the basis of mutual respect and taking into account the national interests of others,” Putin said.

The Russian president indicated that this will only be possible “in the wake of the agreements reached during the June summit in Geneva and subsequent meetings.”

In his message to Chinese President Xi Jinping, Putin reiterated that the interaction between Moscow and Beijing this year had been “extremely fruitful” and that it had been “a continuous dynamic political dialogue at all levels.”

Putin said bilateral trade had reached its “highest point” and there was “effective coordination of efforts to address major issues on the regional and international agenda.”

The Russian president expressed confidence that Russia and China will expand the “full scope of bilateral relations” and fully implement a new joint project called the Year of Cooperation in Fitness and Sports.

See also: Biden and Putin will discuss the crisis with Ukraine over the phone on Thursday

“I have no doubt that our Chinese friends will ensure the success of the Winter Olympics,” Putin said, looking forward to meeting Jinping at the opening ceremony of the “Sports Festival.”

In a letter to Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Putin called for the development of bilateral relations on the basis of “equality and mutual respect”.

Putin said this would help “meet the basic interests of the peoples of the two countries and contribute to strengthening stability and security in Europe and the rest of the world.”

* Translated by Daniel Gallego.

Anadolu Agency website contains only part of the news stories presented to subscribers on the AA News Broadcasting System (HAS), and in summary.

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