Tough penalty! Four coaches have been banned from the United States Women’s League for life

Tough penalty!  Four coaches have been banned from the United States Women’s League for life

Written by: America Sports Writing

Continued misconduct in the women’s league led to an investigation leading to the conclusion that the coaches had been suspended.

the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) from United State It was announced that four coaches were named in the investigation About abuse and bad practices that have been banned for life.

According to the foundation, this punishment, which is part of a wide range of suspensions and fines against various individuals and organizations that have followed the publication of findings arising from an investigation by the NWSL, occurred after “Continuous misconduct” detected in most clubs in the league.

The investigation was carried out over a period of 14 months, based on the complaints of the players, and they were able to discover systemic failures, from which it was concluded that the coaches would be punished for life. Paul Reilly, Christy Holly, Rory Dames, and Richie Burke.

On the other hand, seven other people also received penalties, however, they will be required to admit wrongdoing and accept responsibility for misconduct before reconsidering their entry into the NWSL in the future.

In her speech, NWSL Commissioner Jessica Berman said that the league “Continue to prioritize the implementation and improvement of policies, programs and systems that prioritize health and safetyof the players.

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