YouTube | viral | Qatar 2022 qualifiers: Kenyan goalkeeper star of biggest mistake of the day | Video | NCZD | Total Sports

YouTube |  viral |  Qatar 2022 qualifiers: Kenyan goalkeeper star of biggest mistake of the day |  Video |  NCZD |  Total Sports

The unprecedented spectacle of FIFA Day took place in November in Africa, during the match that brought together the Ugandan and Kenyan teams in the qualifiers en route to the Qatar 2022 World Cup. Its hero was Kenyan goalkeeper Brian Boyer, who made a goal that roamed the entire planet across all social networks and YouTube.

The team represented by Bwire, despite having no chances to go to the next World Cup, was very close to achieving its first victory in this competition, and of course as a visitor. But the goalkeeper ruined everything for a procedure in which, according to the frequency of the official broadcast, he was too confident.

In the 89th minute of the competition, goalkeeper Boyer received the ball from one of his teammates. Next, the player wanted to burn the seconds and let the round take place over the small area. Until then, all is well. However, the courage to never give up paid off for Ugandan striker Fahd Bayo.

Kenya goalkeeper Brian Boyer lost the ball. (Photo: Viva TV screenshot)

The Ugandan squad gunner extended his leg and with the tip of the boot stole the ball from the goalkeeper, who had everything to grab the balloon. The number 9 of the local team celebrated the goal, which means 1-1, and, by the way, a chance for their team to still have a chance to think about the World Cup, at least until the final whistle (the result did not move anything more).

For his part and after playing the role of his life, as seen in the videos uploaded to YouTube, guard Boyer walked into the area trying to find the referee’s look to claim him due to a possible foul by Bayu. The fact is that the judge quickly left the scene and the damage was already beyond repair.

Ugandan striker Fahd Bayo tied 1-1.  (Photo: Viva TV screenshot)
Ugandan striker Fahd Bayo tied 1-1. (Photo: Viva TV screenshot)

And Bower, looking timid, will seek to claim a rematch on Monday the 15th in the final of Kenya’s qualifiers, where he will face Rwanda, both of whom are outside the national team championship. While Uganda will clash with Mali, the team that has already won Group E thanks to its 13 units.

Specifically, Team Mali advance to the next stage of the African qualifiers where they will face one of the other nine leaders from each region. These ten selections will be paired into five switches (back and forth). The five winners will receive their tickets to Qatar 2022 in March.

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