Google Photos will stop being free in June, how will it affect you and what should you do? | Techno Doctor | magazine

Google Photos will stop being free in June, how will it affect you and what should you do?  |  Techno Doctor |  magazine

If all of our files exceed 15GB, we will have to pay Google for the additional storage space.

At the end of 2020, Google announced this It will change the terms of many of its services starting June 1, So its users must take action in this regard.

Google photos It is one of the products that will undergo major modifications. As of next month, this service will not be free, and the high-quality images that have not taken up space in our account so far will be free and It will be included in the 15 GB maximum storage that the company will allow.

If all our files (photos, emails, and documents) exceed those 15 GB, we will have to pay Google for it. More storage space or look for other options To preserve our photos and videos, note a post from website Computer Hue.

Options for saving our files

According to Google, 80% of your users will reach the 15GB limit, Therefore, the most desirable thing is to back up our photos and videos, as well as the emails and documents we consider important. The ideal would be to get to June 1 without going over 15 GB Storage imposed by Google to avoid inconvenience.

The first step is to secure our photos and documents On your computer, hard drive, or other platform. Then we have to decide If we were only going to use Google for free, pay or find another platform. There are many like One Drive, Mega, Amazon Photos, Dubox, Dropbox, and others.

Google services that will change terms starting June 1: How will they affect you?

For whoever wants Keep using Google One without limits, Company’s warehousing service, they can pay for more space. The cost is $ 1.99 a month, or $ 19.99 a year 100 GB. Values 200 GB It’s $ 2.99 a month or $ 29.29 a year. If more storage is required, it is possible to choose a file 2 TB For $ 9.99 a month or $ 99.99 a year.

If the user plans to continue with the free version only, You will need to keep your files organized and cleaned up Do not go over the limit. It is possible Know and estimate how long it will take to use all of your storage space Accessing the Google tool through this link.

Google will force the apps to explain the data they’re tracking


If searching for another storage option or paying for more space isn’t among your possibilities, you can consider Some recommendations do not exceed 15 GB for free.

One of them is to enter the Google Photos configuration page from a computer and click Space recovery, Compress photos and videos with original quality. A pop-up window will appear showing how much space these photos and videos need to compress. This process is not reversible, according to website Engadget.

How to free up space on Google Drive?

Another alternative it can help Delete all screenshots, Because these usually only work at a specified time and then they no longer. From the Google Photos app, on the tab Search, There is a class of classes called Screenshots. Only Google hosted screenshots are included there.

We can also do a thorough cleaning for Delete those duplicate photos or empty the Recycle Bin. (I)

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