Metroid Dread refuses to come out of the top of the best-selling video game on Amazon – Nintenderos

Metroid Dread refuses to come out of the top of the best-selling video game on Amazon – Nintenderos

Here is an interesting post regarding one of the most awaited games currently in the Nintendo Switch catalog. We are talking in this case about the promising Metroid dread.

In the tweet we leave you with below, we can see how the game continues to refuse to break out of the number one spot on Amazon’s best-selling games list. In this case, the catch belongs to Amazon Spain, although something similar happened حدوث in other regions.

The game hasn’t come out of the top spot since it recently opened its reservations on Amazon Spain. This shows the rate at which the game is currently being purchased and isn’t really seen with all games that open pre-orders.

there he is:

what do you think? Have you already booked? If you’re interested, you can take a look at our full coverage of the title at this link.

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