Niantic reaffirms its commitment to fighting cheaters in Pokémon GO by explaining some of their actions – Nintenderos

Niantic reaffirms its commitment to fighting cheaters in Pokémon GO by explaining some of their actions – Nintenderos

The famous developer of Pokemon GOAnd the Niantic, He shared Prof. New Publication On their official blog to provide us with an update on the status of their policies and anti-fraud measures in the popular mobile app.

The company started by explaining that it does not usually try to explain fraud detection methods so that cheaters do not understand the system and learn how to cheat, but that does not mean that they are not constantly working to improve security from their fraud. Pokemon GO. From there they declared their commitment to the players to promote “fair play, maintain the integrity of our games, and improve transparency with our players.”

For this, the company shared the following points regarding the situation with traps in Pokemon GO:

  • Since the start of 2020, we’ve sanctioned over 5 million cheaters in Pokémon GO, Ingress, and Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, with over 20% of the penalties being permanent bans.
  • More than 90% of users who receive their first warning stop cheating later. This is very encouraging for us, as we continue to find the right balance between punishing the casual and most outrageous cheaters.
  • We have invested in new and emerging technologies, while continuing to grow our team, to improve detection and implementation capabilities. We will continue to take action against those who violate our Terms of Service and will step up our efforts in the coming weeks.
  • We are constantly tweaking and improving our current detection methods by gathering real data from player reports and other comment channels, to make sure we accurately detect cheaters and minimize false positives.
  • We always listen to our players and explore ways to benefit from our community to ensure our games remain fair.

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