The encrypted message appears to reveal information about the bosses in Pokémon Legends: Arceus – Nintenderos

The encrypted message appears to reveal information about the bosses in Pokémon Legends: Arceus – Nintenderos

after science latest news From Pokemon Legends: ArceusNow we have got more news regarding this promising title. This is a strange rumor that has been circulating recently.

In this case, the focus is on information hidden tweet in chinese From Riddler kho, a user who has previously successfully filtered content. The tweet in question appears to contain a vague message about Final bosses from the game.

The information can be considered spoiled if it ends up being real, so we leave it under the next image.

If the message is passed in Chinese through Google Translator and the audio is played in Chinese, it sounds like “The origin of the dragons of Diamond and Pearl are the last chiefs.” For this reason, it is believed that the original forms of Dialga and Palkia could be present in Pokémon Legends: Arceus as final bosses.

At the moment, nothing is certain, but speculation is given:

What do you think that? We read to you in the comments. We also leave you with our full coverage of this premiere, scheduled for January 28, 2022, here.


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